Our tailor-made solutions and expertise ensure your organization makes effective strides to minimize risk, optimize generation assets and identify key opportunities in the power market.

capSpire's tools and proven methodologies will guide your business through these volatile times. From the procurement of fuel, generation, transmission, and distribution, our clients can trust in capSpire’s deep knowledge and industry experience to understand and exceed their critical needs.

North American Wholesale Markets


The North American wholesale power market is made up of companies that generate power and resellers willing to buy the power it has produced. The last several years have seen a massive change in the mix of fuels used in power generation with a shift towards natural gas and renewables. In order to remain ahead of competitors in this space, organizations must adopt cutting edge solutions to manage intraday position, plan for uncertainty and volatility in the ISOs they serve, and maximize generation asset values.

  • capSpire helps clients put in solutions and processes to maximize generation asset value, allowing more transparency into the key market factors and risks of mixed-asset portfolios.
  • Our consultants are experts at streamlining complex business processes and automating price distributions to target clients.
  • Our Compliance team ensures our clients stay on top of tariffs and regulatory issues for the North American wholesale markets in which they participate.



Retail power providers must forecast load in a manner that addresses, not only traditional factors like weather, but incorporates the effect of changing customer trends and profiles. It is necessary for them to assess the impact of disruptive innovations that will affect the grid and ultimately, pricing. Providers need to process large amounts of data to produce timely information for pricing, gross margin reporting, to ensure billing accuracy, and effectively serve and grow their customer base. They must also meet these challenges in a manner which allows them to remain nimble enough to take advantage of opportunities in new markets.
  • capSpire can help with the integration and implementation of CTRM and Retail billing systems and gross Margin analysis tools.
  • capSpire’s knowledge and expertise stretches across the retail spectrum and our team understands the need to build efficiencies in this volatile market.
  • capSpire’s delivers proven comprehensive analytics and optimization tools to help organizations in the CTRM space remain ahead of the curve.
  • Our team of experts partner with organizations to provide load forecasting enhanced through machine learning.

Ireland and the European Electricity Market: Changes on the Horizon

So what’s happening in Ireland’s electricity market? Check out our blog to learn more about the Integrated Single Electricity Market (I-SEM).

Read full post

Australian Markets


With Australia having the highest greenhouse emissions per capita in the developed world, a complete revision of the country’s energy policies and programs is required. Organizations need to remain ahead of the curve while Australia also needs to guard against the impact of decreasing oil supplies and increasing prices.

  • capSpire provides a full range of energy solutions to maximize their business processes.
  • Our team partners with organizations to break down difficulties around valuation performance and displaying data in reports.
  • capSpire works with clients to create and display mark to market results efficiently in their CTRM software.

Map of Europe

European Markets


Today, all generation capacity players and all suppliers in the UK are private companies and operate in a competitive marketplace. In order to stay ahead of the curve, companies must make decisions more quickly and efficiently. These prompt and day-ahead contracts exist to allow for the physical trade of power in the UK but add stress on decision makers. 

  • capSpire delivers solutions that enable near real-time position management, optimization of flexible assets and transmissions for trading, scheduling and reporting.
  • We work with the client’s existing CTRM system, covering long-term trading and day-ahead exchange auctions.
  • capSpire’s support extends across the entire CTRM process chain: Decision support, Deal entry, Logistics, Risk and Settlement.

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