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Reverse Globalization: The Resurgence of the U.S. Petrochemical Industry

POSTED BY Larry Loocke ON January 19, 2019 IN Blog, E/CTRM, News

Over the past thirty years, globalization surged as a central theme for chemical companies as they increased their international footprint and utilized other regions’ inexpensive labor and raw materials.  These companies remained laser-focused on investing in opportunities outside of the United States, and they gradually reduced their footprint within the states. But times are indeed …

Part 2 – Best Practices for Executing an Allegro Implementation Project

POSTED BY Larry Loocke ON January 19, 2019 IN Allegro, Blog, E/CTRM

[This continues our two-part series on best practices of Allegro implementations. For Part 1 of the blog series which highlights the importance of having a good project team as well as modelling your business by defining key scenarios, click here.] Stakeholder involvement and input is essential A project team is only as strong as its foundation. …

capSpire’s Best Practices for Executing an Allegro Implementation Project

POSTED BY Larry Loocke ON January 19, 2019 IN Allegro, Blog, E/CTRM

At capSpire, successfully navigating through unique and ever-changing Allegro upgrade projects has become a hallmark of our performance-driven results. Whether it’s an upgrade or new implementation, certain themes continually appear in our successes. I would like to share five themes over a two-part blog series that often materialize during our most successful projects. A good …

Legacy CTRM Solutions and Station Wagons

POSTED BY Larry Loocke ON January 19, 2019 IN Blog, E/CTRM

Growing up, my dad had an old white 1980s Ford Country Squire station wagon.  Its royal-blue interior and side-facing rear seats were a symbol of middle-class, suburban bliss, built for family road trips (queue Lindsey Buckingham’s “Holiday Road”).  My dad was an independent landman, and that wagon wore out the roads between our house and …

Automated Broker Reconciliation for Smarter Margin Management in Allegro

POSTED BY Larry Loocke ON January 19, 2019 IN Allegro, Blog, E/CTRM

When buying marginable securities like futures and options, precise margin management is paramount.  In fact, the accuracy of your daily financial data can mean the difference in having sufficient liquidity for purchases, or having to borrow from your lenders.  How many times has your financial broker executed a margin call, only to find the statement …

4 Reasons Why Allegro Users Should Upgrade to Allegro Horizon

POSTED BY Larry Loocke ON October 17, 2017 IN Allegro, Blog, E/CTRM

Right now, it’s a great time to upgrade to Allegro Horizon. This newest version of the software has been through several successful implementations since it was introduced more than a year ago. A big differentiator for Allegro Horizon is that the software lets you buy modules in a piecemeal manner so that you only get …


Midstream Company Automates Nominations


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