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Case Study – Re-Implementation of RightAngle for Refined Products Trader and Marketer

RightAngle System Enables Expansion of United Energy Trading Without Increasing Employee Headcount

United Energy Trading (UET) is a trader and wholesale marketer of refined products that include gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and kerosene. They had previously implemented RightAngle s11, but over time, the business experienced strong growth both geographically and in volume. The system and business processes were barely sufficient for current volume but were not scalable for anticipated growth.

Leadership at UET wanted to confirm that the company fully leveraged its technology in the right way, and wanted to ensure that RightAngle would be an enabler of growth. As UET’s partner throughout this process, capSpire re-implemented RightAngle in accordance with client needs and upgraded the system to version s15. capSpire also implemented many custom automations that further alleviated issues and lay a strong foundation for future expansion of the business.